
Reinventing Social Democratic Development. Insights from Indian and Scandinavian Comparisons, (eds) with John Harriss with Neera Chandhoke and Fredrik Engelstad. Copenhagen; NIAS Press and New Delhi: Manohar, 2016. Final draft: PDF

  • Reclaiming the State. Overcoming Problems of Democracy in Post-Soeharto Indonesia, (Eds.) with Amalinda Savirani) Yogyakarta: PolGov and PCD Press 2015, ISBN 978-602-71962-3-0 , 269 PP. PDF


  • Democratization in the Global South: The Importance of Transformative Politics. (Ed.) with Kristian Stokke. Palgrave Macmillan. 2013, ISBN 9780230370036. 337 pp. PDF


  • Rethinking Popular Representation (Ed.) (with Kristian Stokke and Neil Webster), Palgrave-Macmillan, 2009. PDF
  • Aceh: The Role of Democracy for Peace and Reconstruction. (Ed.) (with Adi Prasetyo, Stanley and Birks, Teresa) Jogjakarta: PCD Press, 2009. 2ndedition, 2010, Singapore: ISEAS. In Indonesian: Aceh: Peran Demokrasi Bagi Perdamaian dan Rekonstruksi, Jogjakarta, PCD Press 2010. PDF in English PDF in Indonesian
  • Building Democracy on the Sand. Advances and Setbacks in Indonesia. (Academic director with lead editors Samadhi, W.P and Warouw, N.): Jakarta and Jogjakarta: Demos & PCD, 2008. PDF
  • Making Democracy Meaningful. Problems and Options in Indonesia. (Ed.) (with Priyono, A.E,  Samadhi W.P and the Demos team) (2005 and (revised edition) 2007: Jakarta, Jogjakarta and Singapore: Demos, PCD Press, ISEAS publishing house. (PDF of some chapters, see articles section.)
  • Politicising Democracy: Local Politics and Democratisation in Developing Countries, (Ed.) (with John Harriss and Kristian Stokke) Palgrave-Macmillan, 2004. PDF.
  • Indonesia’s Post-Soeharto Democracy Movement. (Ed.) (with Adi Prasetyo, Stanley and Priyono, A.E.)  Jakarta: Demos, 2003. (PDF version of the introductory chapters by Törnquist are under the title ‘Introduction and Summary Analysis: Floating Democrats’ in the list of articles.)



  • (Ed.) People’s Rights: Social Movements, and The State in The Third World,(with Manoranjan Mohanty and Partha Mukherji) Sage Publications, New Delhi, Thousand Oaks and London, 1998.
  • Democratisation in the Third World. Concrete Cases in Comparative and Theoretical Perspective,(Ed.) (with Lars Rudebeck and Virgilio Rojas) Uppsala University, 1996. 2nd revised version with the same title published at Macmillan (London) and St. Martin's (New York), 1998. PDF  of Introd.


  • Asian Societies in Comparative Perspective. (Ed.) (with Karl Reinhold Hællquist). 3 Volumes (1022 pp) Nordic proceedings in Asian Studies No 2, NIAS/NASEAS, Copenhagen 1991.